Vacancy: Representative of Housing Strategic Policy Committee

We have a vacancy on the Housing Strategic Policy Committee under the Social Inclusion Pillar.

We are inviting you to nominate yourself for this seat as your group falls under the Social Inclusion pillar.

Task of Strategic Policy Committee

The task of the SPCs, as committees of the Council, is to advise and to assist the Council in the formulation and development of policy, the final policy decisions will rest ultimately with the full Council. The SPC system is intended to give Councillors and relevant sectorial interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy-making process from the early stages

Fingal PPN Nominees

The Fingal PPN nominees are required to represent the Fingal PPN and are accountable to the Fingal PPN membership. They are not representing their own organisations.

Specifically the role of representative is to

Bring issues of relevance from the College/Linkage that chose them to the decision making committees.
Give feedback to the College/Linkage and/or Plenary as appropriate on the outcome of the policy meetings and the issue being raised.

Function / Scope of the Board

Social Housing delivery and supports
Homeless Strategy
Strategy Estate Management
Accommodation Programme for Travelling People Allocations/Transfers
Architecture and Design of Social Housing
Refurbishment Programme
Models of delivery

Click Here for Housing SPC Representative Briefing Note/Role Description

Click Here for Nomination Form.

For additional information of role and responsibility of PPN Representatives please see page 24 of PPN constitution, please find constitution here .

If you you like to put yourself forward for one of these positions, please complete the attached Nomination Form and return to by Thursday, 15th April by 4.00pm.

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