Reminder: The National Survey to inform the new National Disability Strategy closes on 11th Feb

Are you interested in informing how the new National Disability Strategy could include to improve the lives of disabled people in Ireland?

If so, you are invited you complete this short questionnaire that will take 10 to 15minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until 11th February.

Here is the link to the survey or see options/links for different versions for different access needs below.

Alternative survey versions

Background Information:

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) are developing a new National Disability Strategy. They have asked The National Disability Authority (NDA) to conduct some elements of the consultation on their behalf.

The overall focus of the consultation is to inform a set of strategic actions that will address common barriers to inclusion and participation for people with disabilities across key areas of society.

This consultation focus group with older people with experience of disability, either personally or otherwise, is part of a wider consultation process that is explained further here

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