Hale & Hearty: Improving the Health & Wellbeing of People Living in Ireland

Interested in local health and wellbeing information? The Hale & Hearty project uses open data to provide a comprehensive Health and Wellbeing knowledge base. This knowledge base will provide a comprehensive Health & Wellbeing knowledge base, which can be used for rich analysis, insights and action. The Hale & Hearty Knowledge Base will be available as Open Data on the National Open Data Portal here. The Open Data published as part of this project, will not infringe upon a person’s right under data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The project is managed by the Open Data Unit in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) and project partners are:

• Central Statistics Office

• Department of Health

• Fingal County Council

• Derilinx

• Ireland’s Data Cloud Cluster (IDCC)

Check out the Hale & Hearty Knowledge Base and take part in the survey -> Hale & Hearty (data.gov.ie)

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