Webinar: Rethinking loneliness and COVID-19

Webinar: Rethinking loneliness and COVID-19

Register now for the Institute of Public Health’s webinar focused on the impact of Covid-19 on loneliness in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The webinar will take place on Thursday, February 25th between 11am – 12.15pm and you can register here.  

Loneliness is emerging as a key public health challenge for the population during the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence shows loneliness is a significant issue for population health, as people who experience loneliness have a poorer overall quality of life and physical and mental health.

You will hear from leading experts and community organisations on emerging evidence, policy and challenges for public health. Opening Address
Minister Mary Butler TD
Minister of State with responsibility for Mental Health and Older People 

Professor Siobhan O’Neill
Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland Presentation
Professor Roger O’Sullivan
Institute of Public Health
Loneliness and population health – what do we know  Panel Discussion
Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children & Young People

Martin Rogan
CEO at Mental Health Ireland

Professor Brian Lawlor
Consultant Psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin

Denise Hayward
CEO at Volunteer Now Northern Ireland

Moderator: Professor Roger O’Sullivan

Register for Webinar Here

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