Do you work or volunteer with a charity, community group, voluntary organisation or social enterprise? Then We Act need to hear from you!
We Act is a national, public awareness campaign to promote the value, impact and understanding of the charity and community sector in Ireland.
For the campaign to have maximum impact, it is important to ensure it’s as informed and relevant as possible. Accurate, up-to-date information is needed to evolve the campaign to best meet the needs of the sector, and those who work and volunteer in it. And to do that, your help is needed!
We Act is a campaign built for the sector by the sector. You work in the field and you know it best, so for the latest annual round of research, your input is needed on:
- What do you want the public to understand about the sector?
- What can this campaign do to make your job easier?
- How do you rate morale and pride within the sector?
Complete The Sector Survey Here
(It takes 10-15 minutes to complete)
The updated closing date is 5pm, 15 November.
Please note: these questions are directed at you as an individual, your personal perspective is wanted, and your expert view as someone who works or volunteers in the sector. All answers will be strictly anonymous and confidential.