Measures are being proposed for a total of 12 roads in Donabate, Swords, Rush, Castleknock, Blanchardstown, Ongar, Malahide, Sutton and Portmarnock.
The work includes the provision of traffic calming ramps, appropriate road signage and markings where necessary.
The public consultation process has now commenced and the plans, which will only be available online due to the Covid-19 restrictions, can be viewed at https://consult.fingal.ie/en/browse.
In the Dublin 15 area, the following works are proposed:
Castleknock Drive – 2 Traffic Calming Ramps
Glenville Road, Blanchardstown – 3 Traffic Calming Ramps
Manorsfield Road, Ongar – 4 Sets of Traffic Calming Speed Cushions
Barnwell Road, Ongar – 1 Traffic Calming Ramp
Diswellstown Road, Castleknock -1 Traffic Calming Ramp
Representations in relation to the schemes may be made in writing to: Administrative Officer, Castleknock-Mulhuddart Area, Operations Department, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 not later than 4.30p. on Tuesday. May 26.
In the Swords-Balbriggan Operational area, the following works are proposed:
Donabate – Carrs Mill/ Rahillion – 3 No. Traffic Calming Ramps
Swords – Brackenstown Road – 2 No. Traffic Calming Ramps
Donabate-Jn of Portrane Rd/Beaverstown Rd/Ballisk Lane -1 Traffic Calming Raised Table Junction Ramp
Rush – The Avenue at St Catherine’s National School – 2 Traffic Calming Ramps
Representations in relation to the Schemes may be made in writing to: Senior Executive Officer, Balbriggan Swords Area, Operations Department, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 not later than 4.30pm on Friday, May 22.
In the Malahide-Howth Operational area, the following works are proposed:
Strand Road, Sutton – 1Traffic Calming Ramp & 1 Set of Traffic Calming Speed Cushions.
Back Road, at Castlefield Malahide – 1 Traffic Calming Table Top Ramp
Station Road, Portmarnock – 2 Sets of Traffic Calming Speed Cushions
Representations in relation to the above Schemes may be made online at https://consult.fingal.ie or in writing to: Administrative Officer, Howth-Malahide Operational Area, Operations Department, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 no later than 4.30pm on Tuesday, May 26.