An Post – Tony O’Neill
Our postmen are great because they deliver the most important correspondence; love letters, presents but never bills.
Ok, back to reality…
Tony O’Neill has a route of about 450 houses and that includes the Baily lighthouse. He delivers from 6am-1pm Monday through Friday.
How are things on your route, Tony? Do you hear or see many of our cocooning elders?
“I do, we deliver stamps or newspapers if they ask. We know who’s alone, and who needs what. We check in with them. We have a few dozen. Its important they receive the Covid19 information leaflets that we deliver to every house.”
Who is writing these days?
“The kids are, they are writing to their Granny and Grandas. It’s great to see. Sometimes the kids shout out their window, “Do you have any more of them free postcards?” And I’ll drop them a card. That’s great! I like delivering them.”
Writing a few words to a loved one might be considered a lost art, but its alive and well and doing wonders for everyone putting pen to paper.
What about safety procedures?
“Like everyone else we have to adhere to Covid19 policy, it’s not that hard on the route but everyone needs to be strict on policy at the sorting station. That’s changed.”
You busy?
“Busier than ever, there are 6 postmen working in Howth and we are so busy we’re working the bank holiday. That’s busy! Post is down, but parcel deliveries are up. More parcels than Christmas. Three times as many parcels, double what we deliver at Christmas time.”
An Post are great because they care. Thanks Tony O’Neill, Frank Ryan, Derek Cooke, Barry McLoughlin & Declan O Callahan and all An Post workers, for keeping us connected, and keeping a caring eye on our elders and our community, as essential workers during the Covid19 pandemic.