Through our Eyes, the Power of Women’s Leadership in Community Action – a leadership photograph Exhibition

Women play an important role in community action through grassroots movements, organising community events, leading neighbourhood groups and raising awareness about specific issues or advocating for change.  Research has shown that when women are involved in leadership, they bring a unique perspective and approach to problem-solving, which can lead to more effective solutions. As leaders in community action, women use their skills and expertise through serving on boards of non profits, mentoring and supporting community based initiatives.

Fingal She Leads, an initiative of Fingal County Council, as part of International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 is celebrating women’s leadership in a visual way, through a photography exhibition. The exhibition will feature portraits of women from Fingal who are leading in Community Action. Accompanying stories will showcase their leadership achievements. This exhibition will display in Fingal County Council County Hall and will serve as a powerful inspiration for women and encourage others to become active in their communities.

How to get involved 

Only Community and Voluntary groups in Fingal (registered on the Fingal Community County register/ Fingal PPN) are eligible to nominate a female member(s) of their group before Friday 10th February, 5pm.  Your nominee must reside and volunteer in Fingal. A ‘photoshoot’ will take place the following week on Thursday 16th February 2pm- 5pm  in Fingal County Council, County Hall in Swords. (those not available to attend during the day, may be accommodated in the evening)     

Please join in and make this a very special celebration of International Women’s Day. All eligible nominations will feature in the exhibition. 

To nominate, please complete the following form 

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