The Wheel – Upcoming training sessions

The Wheel will provide training sessions in Human Resources and Governance this February. Further detail and how to register can be found below.

HR 10am – 12pm Wednesday 21st February

Please register your place here.

This workshop will be delivered by Kim Glanville, HR & Employment Law Executive at Adare HRM and will cover the following:

The Legal Framework

A brief introduction to the key definitions and legal framework regarding Employment Equality, Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment at work. This element aims to provide attendees with an understanding of the behaviours and risks arising for the Organisation where discrimination, bullying or harassment occurs, and an understanding of how bullying behaviour differs from discrimination or harassment.

Policy and Procedure

An overview of Dignity at Work policies in relation to dignity and respect, workplace bullying and harassment and an outline of the obligations and entitlements stemming from the statutory requirements is provided.

Case Studies

Case studies are used to highlight the importance and consequences of these key areas and to ensure Organisations understand their application.

  • The participants will have a shared understanding about what types of behaviour are acceptable and unacceptable and what options are available to address these concerns.
  • Participants will have a better awareness of what is expected of them in the application of policies and procedures.
  • Participants will have a better awareness of what is expected of them when managing any related issues through your Organisations policies and procedures, which will limit exposure to costly litigation and fines in the areas addressed.

Governance 2:30 – 4:30pm Wednesday 28th February.

Please register for your place here.

The workshop is intended for new and experienced members of PPNs, including those taking up a position on a PPN Secretariat. It is intended that the module will briefly revisit the guidance on the establishment and management of PPNs as set out in the PNN Handbook and introduce learners to good governance principles and practices applicable in a variety of situations and organisation types.

This workshop will be delivered by Gerry Egan, a consultant and trainer who works with a variety of commercial and non-profit clients specialising in corporate governance, data protection, and strategy and change. He is a Chartered Director, and Company Secretary and serves on the board of a charity.

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