We are experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment, please only contact us via the email address below and our team will get back to you. Please read the FAQ section here before you contact our team with queries.
About the Fund
The Community Foundation for Ireland’s Covid-19 Community Fund is aimed at the immediate needs of organisations impacted by Covid-19 and focused on the following:
- People over 60
- People with respiratory illnesses or cancer
- People experiencing domestic abuse
- Isolated vulnerable people and families, particularly those living in rural areas
- Mental health issues for those affected by Covid- 19
It is the expectation that the funding will support organisations to continue to provide services over the next one to six months and help in adapting services and methods of delivery.
Applications can be made to continue or adapt existing work or to pilot new work that will support those most vulnerable as a result of Covid-19.
Any organisations affected by Covid-19 and working with the groups of people listed above can apply for grants between €1,000 and €10,000. The Community Foundation for Ireland anticipates that organisations that are providing small scale emergency support will require funding of around €1,000 to €2,500. Those who are significantly enhancing their services at this time may require grants of up to €10,000.
We will only accept applications from organisations with income levels of €500,000 or less per annum. Please see the FAQs for more information.
All projects must be in line with government advice and guidelines about Coronavirus.
The Community Foundation for Ireland will prioritise:
- Initiatives that directly support those most at risk as a result of Coronavirus as outlined above;
- Initiatives that are responding to immediate needs including food, medication and shelter;
- Those organisations whose projects and budgets are realistic and detailed that outline how the grant money will be spent to support those most at risk.
Please note:
- Applications for running costs for organisations to provide support- including volunteer expenses, staff costs, and transport- will be accepted, provided that the organisation is focusing their attention on supporting existing and any potential beneficiaries due to Covid-19.
- Small capital costs are eligible, such as technology to adapt services, provided that the capital item will address the priorities of the fund.
The Community Foundation for Ireland cannot fund:
- Initiatives that involve physically bringing people together;
- Profit-making enterprises;
- Sport organisations;
- Projects that have already happened;
- Applications from individuals;
- Applications that are missing the required governance documents;
- Projects taking place outside of the Republic of Ireland.
Examples of projects may include:
• Projects that enable organisations to use and access technology to work remotely and to deliver their services to the groups listed above;
• Projects that enable organisations that need extra staff or volunteers to cover increased workload over the next three months;
• Projects supporting those most at risk, for example, those suffering from domestic violence, children at risk, those in unsuitable accommodation;
• Projects that enable older people to access a nutritious meal by connecting them to services providing groceries and/or ready-made meals;
• Projects that enable and encourage isolated people of all ages to use and access technology to keep them connected to the outside of their homes;
• Remote welfare checks for those isolated and in need of support;
• Social prescribing initiatives, in line with government guidance around isolation and social distancing. For example, online projects and volunteering opportunities, such as arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice or a range of exercise activities;
• Projects that provide enhanced counselling support services, providing they are offered in line with government advice and guidance around social distancing;
• Projects that build social networks, in line with current guidance around isolation and social distancing, and that may further develop once this period of isolation has ended.
Applying for the Covid-19 Community Fund
The Fund is open from 9am, 7th April 2020 and will remain open on a rolling call basis. At the present time there is a total of €250,000 available for organisations in this grant round. We do, however, expect a high level of interest in this fund and we may decide to close for applications within a relatively short space of time, if we do not have enough funds to meet the demand for support. However, we anticipate that there will be future funding available to support organisations affected by Covid-19 and we are committed to doing our best to raise as much as possible for the fund.
You can apply for the Covid-19 Response Fund here.
Applications must fit the criteria above and must include a realistic budget for the project. We will only accept one application per organisation.
When submitting the application, organisations will need to upload digital copies of the following governance documents:
- The organisation’s bank or credit union statement header- please blank out any transactions below, this is to verify the account to pay the grant into.
- If your organisation has a Credit Union account you must supply an IBAN number for your specific account. We are unable to accept applications without your unique account IBAN
- The organisation’s constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association.
- A list of the organisation’s Board members or trustees and the dates they were appointed.
- The organisation’s most recent signed audited accounts.
- The organisation’s safeguarding policies for children, vulnerable adults and older persons where applicable.
As the environment is constantly changing, we are aware that projects will need to be flexible. Please notify us as soon as possible if the project needs to adapt. The Community Foundation for Ireland will require an outcome report after 6 months of the project, or once the capital item has been purchased.
It is recommended that you read our Grant FAQs before starting your grant application and have a look at our Grants Support Hub on making and receiving grants.
You can apply for the Covid-19 Response Fund here.
Should you have any further questions, please contact the Grants Team at covidresponse@foundation.ie.
Due to the high number of calls we are recieving we are only accepting email enquiries at present. Please only contact us through covidresponse@foundation.ie and we will get back to you as soon as possible.