Survey on performance music education for children and young people

I would like to bring your attention to a new piece of public consultation aimed at young people, musicians and the wider public, that will support a submission to Music Generation this year. Fingal Arts Office is working in partnership with the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board, and have developed surveys that will help us understand people’s views regarding performance music education for children and young people in county Fingal. This feedback will enable us to develop and deliver suitable music education programmes that suit the needs of children, young people and their educators.

It would be great to hear your views, and it would be great if you could share it with your groups.

There are three surveys to choose from:

We invite Children & Young People to complete this survey:

We invite Musicians and Music Education Providers to complete this survey:

We invite the General Public to complete this survey:

Deadline for survey submission: Thursday 30th of April 2020.

There is a bonus for children & young people who complete a survey as they can opt in to a draw for Gift Vouchers for Fingal’s Arts Centres when they reopen.

Best wishes,

Julie Clarke

Julie Clarke, Youth & Education Officer, Fingal Arts Office, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Dublin 15.

Tel: 018905960

twitter: @fingalarts

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