Structural Review of Public Participation Networks

As you will be aware, the Department of Rural and Community Development has now engaged Mazars to undertake a structural review of the PPNs which is currently underway.

The Department would now like to invite you to submit a ‘written submission’ to the review process. Below you will find a link to Mazar’s portal which will bring you to a template to provide your thoughts on the PPNs, and how their current structure and governance facilitates and supports the role of PPNs in relation to civic engagement. This template is structured in a very similar manner to the focus groups which are currently ongoing as part of the consultation phase of the review, and will ask you to provide your thoughts on the challenges and opportunities that arise under each of the following emerging themes:

1. Governance & Structure – The structures, governance and relationships that exist to enable the appropriate functioning of the PPNs 
2. Resources & Skills – The resources, skills and supports that exist for PPN staff and other stakeholders, to deliver their roles effectively in relation to the PPNs
3. Participation, Engagement & Inclusion – The general awareness communication and engagement methods of the PPNs and their suitability post COVID-19
4. Climate Action – The work of the PPNs in relation to Climate Action at local level
5. Community Development – How the PPN structure supports community development and addresses issues of national importance at local level 

Please note that should there be any comments that you wish to make that do not align to the above thematic areas, there will be an opportunity to provide this feedback at the end of the submission. 

Important Note: If you are providing this submission on behalf of an organisation and need to gather the views of colleagues and stakeholders before you make your submission, please use the attached MS Word document to gather these views and then one representative should use the link to input your organisation’s submission.

The link to the submission template is here PPN Written Submissions and the closing date for receipt of these submissions is Friday 20 August.

On behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development, thank you for giving your time to this process to strengthen the PPNs for the future.

If you have any queries in relation to completing the written submission input template, please contact the DRCD team on

We greatly value your views and thank you for participating in the consultation process.

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