Sport Equipment Funding Scheme now open online

Sport Equipment Funding Scheme now open online

Fingal County Council’s Sports Office are delighted to announce that the Sport Equipment Funding scheme is now open online for applications to the end of July 2021 and are encouraging clubs to apply for funding under the scheme which may allow them to purchase equipment to allow them upgrade their clubs, increase membership or introduce a new dimension to their organisation

Applications for the scheme can now be made on the Fingal County Council website The funding scheme is open to all voluntary sports clubs in Fingal.

The scheme is designed to allow clubs purchase new or replace existing equipment, it may also be used if the club requires PPE and or sanitisation equipment.. To qualify for this funding scheme a sports club must be registered with the Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN) and have a membership number. Full details on the Fingal Public Participation Network and their membership form is available online at   

Sports Equipment funding awarded under scheme will cover 80% of the cost to a maximum of €2,000 i.e. 80% of your spend of €2,500. All grant applications will be assessed on their own merit and on foot of the scheme criteria. The Criteria is available to view online. Sports Clubs must be formally established for a minimum of a year and must also have a Tax Number.

Should the club be successful in being awarded this funding the club will not then qualify for the Youth Sports Grant 2021 which will be open to applications in August.

For more information check out: or contact Fingal Sports Office at

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