Special Memory Makers radio programme on ‘Voyage Around my Brain’

Special Memory Makers radio programme on ‘Voyage Around my Brain’, Near FM 90.30 Monday 14th December 7-8pm.

The Community Development Office is delighted to promote and bring to your attention a very special radio programme which was recorded with 3 contributors to the ‘Memory Makers:  Reflections and Recollections Cocooners Special Edition 2020’.  These guests included poet Peter Owens from Malahide, drama student Maureen Penrose from Blanchardstown and artist Nancy Dempsey from Portrane – as well as Veronica Forsgren, Community Officer in Fingal County Council who coordinated and manged the Memory Makers project.

In this programme the authors talk about their life experiences, their creative pursuits and share poems and favourite songs with the listeners.

This special Fingal programme will be broadcast on Monday 14th December from 7-8pm on NearFM 90.3.  

This programme, ‘Voyage Around my Brain’, which is researched, presented and produced by karen Meenan, is a brand new series on NearFM Community Radio in which Brain Health experts from the Global Brain Health Institute GBHI meet with community experts to discuss different aspects of brain health.  This series has just been awarded a Gold Award in the Social Benefit category from the CRAOL Community Radio National Awards which were held recently.

‘Voyage Around My Brain’ is a follow up series to the very popular ‘Reminiscence on the Radio’ also on NearFM which featured different years from 1950 to 1970 – featuring the voices of people living in the community.  Karen was asked which guests were living with dementia and which were caregivers, and her answer was ‘everyone has a story to tell, if you can’t tell who is living with dementia, and who isn’t, and you’re just engaged listening to their story, then it doesn’t matter – their voice is just as valid as anyone else in the community’.  

-We hope you will join us on the day to hear inspirational stories from our three guest starts Peter Owens, Maureen Penrose and Nancy Dempsey.

The programme will be available a few days after as a podcast on:


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