Seanad Public Consultation Committee issues call for submissions on Future of Local Democracy

The Seanad Public Consultation Committee chaired by the Leas-Chathaoirleach, Senator Mark Daly, is seeking the public’s views on the Future of Local Democracy ahead of the Local Elections in June 2024.

The Committee will explore the Future of Local Democracy across the following themes:

  • Public engagement and participation in the local government process and functions
  • The powers of local authorities, and
  • The impact of changes to the local government process, such as the abolition of town councils and the introduction of directly elected mayors.

Launching the call for submission from the public, Senator Daly said: “Local authorities form an essential part of Irish life. For this reason, the Seanad Public Consultation Committee is interested in hearing the public’s views on engagement and participation in local government, the powers of local authorities, as well as the impacts of recent and proposed changes to the local government process.”

Senator Shane Cassells, who will act as rapporteur for the consultation, said: “The time is now ripe to consider the future of this most important arm of government. Particular areas we are interested in are ways in which we can achieve gender balance on our local authorities, encouraging representation on local authorities from minority groups in Ireland, and ensuring that decisions impacting local people are made at a local level.”

The issues to be explored by the Committee include:

  • Challenges of getting candidates for local elections;
  • Representation of women, minorities, and new Irish groups;
  • Powers of local authority members;
  • Impact of overarching legislation and national policy documents on the functioning of local authorities and the role of its elected members and executive;
  • Comparisons with other countries local democratic structures;
  • Consideration of the time involved in the role of Councillors and how this impacts on their careers, family life and wellbeing;
  • How local government can play a greater role and have a positive impact on climate action, housing, infrastructure, regional development, etc;
  • Cross border cooperation at local government level across the island of Ireland;
  • Supports available to councillors;
  • Address the powers and functions between the executive and the elected council;
  • Examine devolving more powers to the local authorities through the legislative process to strengthen and enhance local democracy;
  • Examine training provided to elected Members of local authorities in order to discharge their duties; and
  • Addressing the issue of abuse, threats and harassment in local government, and the importance of civility in public life.

Senator Daly added: “The Committee is also particularly concerned by harassment on social media, and the rise of abuse and attacks towards those involved in public life, and it is anxious to get the views of the public on addressing these most serious issues.”

The Seanad Public Consultation Committee is particularly interested in hearing from and the views and/or experiences of:

  • Members of the public and local community groups;
  • Those representing minorities, women for election and young people, and reflective of the diversity of Irish society;
  • Academics and experts in the field of local democracy;
  • Ministers and members of local authorities past and present;
  • AILG & LAMA and their counterparts in Northern Ireland and other jurisdictions;
  • Secretary Generals and representatives of political parties;
  • Responsible Departments
  • Current and former local authority CEOs / Directors of Service; and
  • Those working in local government.

In relation to the consultation process, Senator Daly said: “The Seanad Public Consultation Committee may invite witnesses to make oral presentations in public hearings, and the Committee will draft and publish a report containing findings and recommendations. When its report has been published, the Committee will present findings and request a debate with the Minister or relevant Ministers in the Seanad.”

The closing date for submissions is Friday, 29 September 2023. Full details on the call for submissions and how to make a submission can be found here.

The Seanad Public Consultation Committee was established as part of new procedures to open access to Seanad Éireann and its work, and examines areas related to the legislative powers of Seanad Éireann and public policy.

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