An Garda Siochana in conjunction with the National Rural Safety Forum are hosting a National Community Engagement Day on 31st January in 500 locations around the country. This is one of the key actions of the National Rural Safety Forum of which Age Friendly Ireland and the CCMA are members.
This initiative involves the scheduling of one hour ‘meet and greet’ opportunities at approximately 500 plus local rural venues in Ireland where local Garda, local IFA branch representatives and representatives from other local community groups involved in the National Rural Safety Forum will engage with the local community. It is an opportunity for the local community to identify with and become familiar with their local Gardaí and local community representatives. This National Community Engagement Day is kindly supported by members of CSNA (Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association) and RGDATA (Retail Grocery Dairy & Allied Trade Association) nationally.
Full details of the locations, venues and timings will be available next week. In the meantime, save 31st January 2020 in your calendar!