Roadmap for Social Inclusion Mid-term Review- a call for feedback

EAPN Ireland will be submitting a response to the consultation on the Midterm review of the Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020-2025. They are calling on members to email any issues, relevant to the objectives and implementation of the Roadmap, that you would like to highlight within their submission. 

The Roadmap for Social Inclusion aims to reduce consistent poverty to 2% or less by 2025. The aim of the public consultation is to identify what works well in achieving the Roadmap’s goals, what areas of delivery could be improved and what should be prioritised for the remainder of the strategy. Respondents are also invited to provide any other relevant feedback.

EAPN Ireland would like to encourage organisations and individuals to input into this consultation process, either independently or through EAPN Ireland, to ensure the strategy adequately reflects aims that address social exclusion and inequality up to 2025. 

Full details on the public consultation can be found at

If you wish to submit relevant feedback for inclusion in the EAPN Ireland response to the midterm review please email: 

Please note, the consultation ends on Friday October 7th 2022.

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