Rethink Ireland’s Equity in Education Fund – 1pm, Wednesday 16th March

Rethink Ireland’s Equity in Education Fund will provide three years of cash grants and business support to organizations focused on enhancing educational engagement and improving formal and non formal educational outcomes for young people from Traveler, Roma and Migrant/Refugee backgrounds as well as those experiencing rural disadvantage. You can visit the website here to read more about the fund and its criteria.

What does the Fund offer?  

  1.  Cash grants of €50,000 –  €67,500 per annum for three years  
  2. A place on Rethink Ireland’s Capacity Building Programme
  3. A tailored supports package for successful applicants 

Join the online Information sessions on the Equity in Education Fund to hear directly from the team and ask any questions you may have. To register click here

Supporting equal access to education for young people from minority groups experiencing disadvantage.

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