Remote Not For Profit Festival and Event Zoom Meet Up

AOIFE the Association of Irish Festivals and Events is hosting an island wide series of online Listen meet ups to try and establish the issues facing the sector over the next few weeks. The online meet up for Dublin takes place on Tuesday 08-03-22 at 8.30pm

Before the crash AOIFE’s sector mapping indicated that they had regular contact with some 900 not for profit festivals and events – on average some 250 paid annual membership.

The festival and community event landscape is significantly changed in 24 months on a variety of levels. An all-island network of community and event leadership – learning, sharing and promoting the programmes they produce will have to be undertaken quite differently in the months and years ahead.

From their connects with Europe, UK, Canada and USA – Audiences, Resources, Volunteers and Public Administration, are forcing festival and event producers to do things differently.

The seeds of an all-island umbrella organisation founded at the Guinness Summer Festival Season launch in 1992 – have managed to serve a changing sector, against huge odds.

Without the resources to visit every admin district on the island over the next few weeks to engage with you all; as to how you – from your unique perspective wish to see an island wide Network Resource Organisation evolve and do.

“We appreciate we are all zoomed out of it but solutions to a lot of our common problems will be solved increasingly locally as well as nationally over the coming seasons. To that end we are hosting Listening and Learning County Zoom meetings over the coming weeks -and invite you or a representative of your community , not for profit festival or event to come along and participate” states Executive Director Colm Croffy.

AOIFE will collate this engagement process into a Pathways Report and Plan which will then seek support from any agency or firm that can partner the sector. To secure your FREE Zoom invite to this meeting please contact

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