Public meeting with the Garda Commissioner

Each monthly meeting of the Policing Authority includes a meeting with the Garda Commissioner, a key aspect of the Authority’s oversight. At least four of these meetings per year are held in public and live-streamed. The latest meeting took place in Dublin Castle on 29 September 2022.

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Recent publications

The Policing Authority published the Final Report on the Examination of the Garda Síochána review of the closure (including cancellation) of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) incidents. This is an independent, external examination of the circumstances, response and challenges presented by the invalid and unwarranted closure of CAD incidents and it outlines key findings and recommendations. This final report by Mr. Derek Penman follows an interim report, which was published in November 2021.

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The Policing Authority published its Assessment of Policing Performance, an evaluation of the Garda Síochána’s performance over the first half of 2022. Policing performance is assessed primarily against the Authority’s Statutory Performance Framework—consisting of the Garda Síochána Statement of Strategy, Policing Priorities and Annual Policing Plan.This biannual assessment is key to providing transparency about policing performance, the oversight of policing and the outcomes of that work.

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The Policing Authority published its Annual Report for 2021, which was laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas in July. The report outlines the Authority’s continued oversight of policing during the period of COVID-19 restrictions and increased police powers. A specific focus was oversight of the Garda Síochána review and response to the unwarranted closure of CAD 999 incidents. The Authority’s oversight of the Garda Síochána also included matters relating to Garda integrity; violence against women; and, drug and drug related policing. 

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The latest Policing Authority minutes are available here.
The latest Audit and Risk Committee minutes are available here.

The next meeting in public between the Policing Authority and the Garda Commissioner will take place on Thursday 24 November 2022 in the Killeshin Hotel in Portlaoise. The meeting will be live-streamed on the website.

The final report on Experiences of Victims of Crime with the Garda Síochána, research commissioned by the Policing Authority and carried out by Trilateral Research, is expected to be published in November.

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