Public Consultation on the Reasonable Accommodation Fund grants

The government wants to make sure that people with disabilities who want and are able to work are supported and enabled to do so.

To do this, the government wants to get your views on how to improve how the ‘Reasonable Accommodation Fund’ grants operate. Please send us your views by 5pm Friday 29 April.

Reasonable accommodations promote equality by removing barriers in the workplace. This enables people with disabilities to participate and achieve their full potential at work.

Under the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015, employers must provide reasonable accommodations to both:

  • employment candidates with disabilities
  • employees with disabilities

Employers must offer reasonable accommodations unless introducing reasonable accommodations would be a disproportionate burden.

Read about the Reasonable Accommodation Fund.

How to share your views

The Department of Social Protection invites two main groups of people to share their views by completing the relevant survey below:

  • people with disabilities
  • employers

We also welcome written submissions from people with disabilities, employers, representative groups and the wider public.

If the online surveys are not accessible to you, you can do one of the following:

  • download the survey, print it, and return it to the address below
  • email it as an attachment to
  • complete the survey with a member of the team over the phone on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10am and 12pm or 2pm and 4pm by calling 0818 607 080
  • if you require an Irish Sign Language interpreter to complete the survey over the phone, you can book the Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) from Sign Language Interpreting Service. Or you can email us with a time and date, and we will arrange to set up the IRIS for you.

Survey for People with Disabilities

Complete the online survey.

Fore more details, see here

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