The PPN Arts, Community, Heritage and Sport Linkage Group meeting will host a presentation on the draft strategy on Tuesday 10th September at 7pm in County Hall Swords (Register here).
There is ever increasing demand for community participation in archaeology-based projects within Fingal. Consultation with the public has indicated a desire for diverse projects based around awareness-raising; information sharing, education, family-based activities, exploration of tourism capability, as well as archaeological research, survey, excavation and interpretation. The potential of community archaeology projects for social and cultural inclusion; engagement of new communities, increased accessibility to, recognition and protection of archaeological sites and monuments; and as basis for tourism experiences has been recognised at a local, national and European levels.

The strategy, which has been informed by consultation with the public and practitioners identifies strategic objectives which will be the main areas of focus for delivering the vision of the Community Archaeology programme in Fingal over the period 2019-2023.
Submissions can be made online here, or by email to or in writing to: Christine Baker, Community Archaeologist, Fingal County Council, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin.
The deadline for submissions is 27 September 2019.