PPN Submission on Draft Fingal County Council Strategic Policy Committee Scheme

Fingal PPN today published a submission on behalf of members on the Draft Fingal County Council Strategic Policy Committee Scheme.

Strategic Policy Committees (or SPCs), are committees that advise the Council on matters connected with the development, monitoring and review of policy that relates to the work responsibilities of the Council. Some items that fall under their remit include:

  • Coastal Erosion
  • Tree Management Policy
  • Libraries and Arts Plans
  • Social Housing Deliver and Homeless Strategy
  • Tourism Strategy
  • Greenway and Transport Infrastructure
  • and much more!

SPC membership is made up of sitting Councillors, Trade Unions, the IFA, Business and the Community (represented through nominees of the PPN Linkage Groups).

PPN Feedback

Role of the PPN

The PPN welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback on the SPC Scheme and emphasised its commitment to providing quality representation on the SPCs and support for PPN representatives. The PPN also highlighted to crucial role of PPN Linkage Groups in achieving this.

Lobbying Act 2015 / Transparency Code

The PPN strongly recommended the final SPC Scheme would include a section and reference to the Lobbying Act 2015 and the accompanying Transparency Code. The PPN also emphasised the need to include guidelines published by the Standards in Public Office on the Register of Lobbying website (available here) and the need to make all SPC members aware of their obligations.

CPG / SPC Operational Framework

In relation to the Corporate Policy Group Operational Framework, the PPN has recommended the inclusion of greater detail or structure in relation to the submission process and decision making on the Annual Work Plan of SPCs. The PPN also requested the circulation of SPC progress reports to SPC members.

Structure of Strategic Policy Committees

The PPN highlighted the omission of ‘Sports’ from the proposed Scheme of committees and emphasised the need to include ‘Public Participation’ and ‘Town and Village Renewal’ in the stated remit of the SPCs. The PPN also called for more detail on the division of Transport responsibilities between two SPCs.

Membership of the SPCs

The PPN welcomes the retention of 13 PPN seats across the 6 SPCs. The PPN has detailed a request to swap some seats around.


The PPN has requested the inclusion of a Training section in the SPC Scheme which should outline the support provided to members of the SPC.

Read more about this submission and other PPN submissions in our resources section.

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