PPI Ignite Network @ UCD: Seed Funding Opportunity

Seed Funding Opportunity

for patient & community organisations or contributors interested in public & patient involvement in research.

PPI Ignite Network @ UCD have launched their 2022 round of PPI seed funding, with the theme Equality of opportunity for public and patient involvement in research. You can apply for up to €4000. There will be 4-5 awards made this round.

What is Public & Patient Involvement in Research?

Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research is a growing movement to make research more relevant to society. Traditionally, research carried out in universities was done so in a manner separated from public input. This led to research that was not always as impactful as it could have been. This new movement focuses on a more collaborative approach to research by working with the people that the research affects. In health research, we call this public and patient involvement (PPI).

PPI acknowledges and values the learning, expertise and insight that comes from living with a particular health condition or impairment. Rather than exclude people with lived experience, PPI is designed to foster collaboration between people with lived experiences, researchers, and research institutions with the goal of improving research and increasing the ability of research to make a positive impact.

Goal of the seed funding

The goal of this seed funding is to support PPI contributors such as community and patient organisations to collaborate with UCD researchers on a project related to the development, design or implementation of processes that create more inclusive practices for PPI in research.

The closing date for applications is 30th May 5pm. Applications must be collaborative and can be led by either a PPI contributor or a researcher. Applicants can apply for up to €4,000.

More information about the call and how to apply can be found on the PPI Ignite @ UCD webpage https://www.nmhs.ucd.ie/research/ppi-ignite-network-ucd.

Interested but don’t know a UCD researcher?

PPI Ignite @ UCD are hosting a PPI contributor/UCD researcher networking lunch on April 28th in UCD.

Learn more about the PPI seed funding, meet patient & community organisations, PPI contributors and UCD researchers interested in PPI. Enjoy an informal lunch while you network and chat. Register to attend for free here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/eat-greet-a-networking-event-for-ppi-contributors-and-ucd-researchers-tickets-310988975397

Who are PPI Ignite Network @ UCD?

The PPI Ignite Network @ UCD is part of the HRB/IRC funded National PPI Ignite Network. The PPI Ignite Network promotes excellence and inspires innovation in public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research in Ireland.

Based in the UCD Research office, the PPI Ignite Network @ UCD is led by Prof. Thilo Kroll. The programme manager is Dr. Emma Dorris. The PPI Ignite Network @ UCD aims to fundamentally embed PPI in health- and social-care related research, education and training, professional practice and administration across UCD. PPI Ignite Network @ UCD aims to empower community partners to develop their own research capabilities and capacities, which will facilitate community-led research.

Click Here for More Detail

Expiry Date: 30th May, 2022

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