Positive Ageing Week 2022

Positive Ageing Week 2022 will take place from 24th September to 1st October this year and will continue on the theme of AGEISM in line with the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.

While there are a number of events taking place to celebrate Positive Ageing Week, Fingal County Council’s Community Department is hosting ‘Give it a Go’ day in Newbridge House on Tuesday 27th September 2022 (10.30-12.30).  Various groups and sporting organisations will demonstrate physical activities suitable for older people such as boules, walking football, tai chi, adapted cricket, croquet, as well as music and dance.  The aim is to showcase what is possible, present a positive image of old age, and encourage older people to participate in activities.

For groups in Dublin 15 and Balbriggan/Skerries/Rush, transport will be available but must be booked through the Community Officers, Pauline, Deirdre, Leah, Geraldine, Cathrina.

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