Public Participation Network, PPN, Fingal, Plenary, Secretariat, Linkage Group – a lot of terms to take in and a lot of structures to get our heads around!

We have published a Plain English Leaflet and Booklet to help explain what the PPN is and does.

Download the Plain English Leaflet here:


Download the Plain English Induction Pack here: 


We hope these help us to better communicate our message to our members and help us to engage more members of the Community going forward.

What is Plain English?

Plain English is a way of presenting information that helps someone understand it the first time they read or hear it.

Plain English is not a one-size-fits-all approach to presenting information or, indeed, an alternative format for only some people. It is about communicating directly to the intended reader or listener in language they understand, whether they are specialists, colleagues or members of the public. Most of us don’t like reading through long passages of difficult text to find the main points, so why ask others to do so?

When we use plain English, we:

  • use clear, concise and accurate language,
  • order our points logically, including only necessary detail, and
  • use clean design to make our writing more attractive and easier to follow.

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