Tuesday 1st of April from 10.30am – 12.30pm in Skerries Harps, Dublin Road, Skerries K34 HC89.
Call in and have a chat with Service Providers such as Citizens Information ALONE Ireland Fingal Libraries and many more!
No need to register! People can drop in any time during the 10.30am – 12.30pm session!
- Do you know your entitlements?
- Will your home meet your needs as you grow older?
- Do you need advice on budgeting?
- Do you need help with small jobs in your home?
- Would you like to volunteer?
- Do you know what is happening in your library?
Call in, have a cuppa and chat to:
Citizen’s Information; Age Friendly Ireland;
An Garda Siochana; Team; Fingal Age Friendly Homes Co-ordinator;
Fingal Libraries, Money Advice & Budgeting Services (MABS)
Fingal Community Development Office, Dublin Fire Brigade, Fingal Volunteer Centre
And many local clubs and social groups.