Open Call for Rethink Ireland’s Headstart Fund: supporting positive mental health for young people in Ireland

Rethink Ireland welcomes applications to its three-year HeadStart Fund created in partnership with the Z Zurich Foundation and the HSE. This €3,000,000 Fund aims to support not-for-profit organisations that have an innovative approach to effecting positive mental health for young people aged 15-24, with a proven track record of impact and a vision to scale. Up to 10 awardees will receive a package of support, including financial and non-financial supports. The fund is open for applications until the 3rd of March 2023. Please see Rethink Ireland’s website for more information on eligibility and the application process. Online Information Sessions will take place on Wednesday, 8th February at 11am and Friday, 17th February at 1pm.

Fund Team email:


About Rethink Ireland:

Rethink Ireland (previously Social Innovation Fund Ireland) supports the most innovative non-profit organisations working in communities across the country. We believe that a team effort is more effective than working alone. So joining forces with the Government, companies, families, individuals and foundations, who understand as we do that lasting change demands new thinking, is how we do business. Together we create funds to help innovations rise to the challenges of our most pressing social and environmental issues. Our cash grants and business supports enable social innovations to develop and maximise their impact. This is our venture philanthropy model. The groups we support and the donors who support us don’t just think differently. They act decisively on their ideas to build a more equal, just and sustainable Ireland.

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