NTA Survey on Taxi’s and Hackneys

NTA wants to better understand the accessibility requirements and experience of users in Taxi’s around the country.

To facilitate this, the survey completion deadline will be extended until Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 5pm and can be completed in the following ways: 

1.    Online, via the following link which is compatible with screen-readers: https://secure.bandasurvey.ie/WebProd/Start/Ba212691

2.    By post: if you require a hard-copy version of the survey, please contact Behaviour & Attitudes at glenn@banda.ie You will also receive a stamped addressed envelope to facilitate the return of your completed survey.

3.    By telephone: should you prefer to complete the survey in this manner, please contact Behaviour & Attitudes at glenn@banda.ie  or on 01 2057561.They will arrange for an agent to call you to go through the questions with you. 

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