National Tree Week 2023 – 19th to 26th March

National Tree Week 2023 will take place from 19th to 26th March and Fingal County Council has a number of initiatives planned to celebrate this including plans to distribute 16,000 trees to residents across the county, as well as hosting a number of community planting events and workshops.

All ages are welcome, we love to have schools come to plant trees.

Spades will be available but bring your own if you have one.

People attending need footwear for mud and grass, a change of footwear, maybe a snack/ drink depending on how long you will stay. Warm clothing is essential.

Free Tree Giveaways

Tree Giveaways will take place from 9am to 1pm on Wednesday 22nd and Saturday 25th at the following venues: St Catherine’s Park, Millennium Park, Argillan Demesne, Malahide Demesne, Newbridge Demesne and Ward River Valley (New Car Park, River Valley) Saturday 25th only.

To reduce use of plastic citizens are asked to bring their own bag.

Community Planting Events

Community Planting Events are planned for Hartstown Park, Ongar Open Space Hazelbury Park and Littlepace during March, further details at  and

Lusk Recreational Hub March 20th-25th 9 – 1pm further details at and   @ Lusk Vision 2030

Ardgillan Demesne March 24th 12pm-2pm further details at  and

Selskar Estate Skerries – 21st March 4pm – Further information can be found at

Ward River Valley Park Swords March 25th 12 – 1pm Further information can be found at

The council will also be running a promotional campaign explaining the benefits of trees on social media throughout the week so be sure to follow our social media channels below for updates.

See for full details and updates.,,

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