National Integration Funding Open Call 2023

The purpose of the National Integration Fund 2023 is to support communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting the integration of migrants. This call will be open to applicants operating at regional and national level.

Approximately €750,000 will be committed per year in this call over a maximum of three years, subject to the availability of funds in the relevant subhead of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Vote.

The minimum annual grant amount that can be applied for is €25,000 and grants may range up to €200,000 over the life of the project.

Applications may be made in respect of core funding and/or project costs. If core funding is applied for, this should be specifically indicated in the Funding Application Form.

This funding can be used for both once-off initiatives and short to medium term projects. Projects should take an inclusive approach, aiming to bring migrants and host communities together. Funding must be focused on activity in the State.

Form must be submitted by 12pm on 1 November 2023.
Please note: Applications will not be accepted after this deadline.

More information and application form

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