Na Dubh Ghall GAA update on Community Volunteers #CoronavirusSolidarity #CommunityCall

As you maybe aware Ingrid and her team of community volunteers have been hard at work since the lockdown was introduced in helping out in the community.

We stopped counting how many people we had helped when the number surpassed 300 and that was many weeks ago. From doing shopping, helping out with washing, fixing plumbing, picking up prescriptions, dog walking and drop in welfare checks and a chat, we have met so many fantastic people and been delighted to be able to strengthen our community when we are at our most vulnerable.

Today was a momentous day, we have been told by the Tony the store manager of SuperValu Sutton, that the store was not just the number one store in Dublin taking part in GAA Club Together scheme but… the whole of the country!

Throughout this time we have been working tirelessly with other clubs such as BeannEadair and Naomh Barróg to make sure all the people in our areas where looked after no matter where the area lines start and stop. We are stronger together.

We were absolutely delighted when Tony went on to tell us that Na Dubh Ghall was the number one club in the country for Club Together deliveries. 🎉

We would like to say a big thank you to Ingrid and her team Laura, Ray ,Gareth ,Karen, Lesley, Ann, Ciara, Susan, Brendan but to name a few of our many many volunteers. We had so many people reach out and offer help. For a small club we know our members and friends have the biggest hearts!

It’s great news to receive and it makes us so proud of our club and community. We still have along way to go before life returns to normality. We can’t wait for the day we can swing open the changing room doors, roll out the footballs and hear children playing again. But for now we must #StayHome and look after each other and our community.

Na Dubh Ghall

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