Minister Joe O’Brien announces public consultation on Ireland’s First National Philanthropy Policy

On Tuesday, 23 May, Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD, announced the commencement of a Public Consultation on Ireland’s First National Philanthropy Policy.

The proposed National Philanthropy Policy is intended to deepen understanding and knowledge, create an enabling environment and accelerate engagement with philanthropy in Ireland for social good.

The policy is being developed by Government in collaboration with key stakeholders. Minister O’Brien made the announcement during his address at The Wheel’s Annual Summit 2023.

Speaking at The Wheel’s Annual Summit in Dublin on Tuesday, Minister O’Brien said:

“Government is very aware of the need to support and facilitate the generosity of the philanthropic community which contributes to a more just Ireland, and can have a positive effect on the lives of so many.

“A National Policy will provide a framework for Philanthropy, Government and Beneficiaries to work more collaboratively and effectively and put in place an environment for philanthropy to grow and thrive”.

Non-profit organisations play an important role in Ireland’s social and economic life and receive part of their funding from philanthropic sources. The range of non-profit organisations which benefit from philanthropy is diverse, ranging from small community groups like sports clubs to large national organisations.

The aim of this policy is to set out clear objectives, and specific actions to enable philanthropy to grow and thrive in Ireland for social good. The philanthropy policy will also support knowledge and capacity development of the sector. It will also identify the supports required for it to thrive and maximise its potential.

The Minister said that his Department is now widening the consultation process on the policy and encouraged interested parties to take the opportunity to have their say on a policy that aims to create an understanding of the philanthropy sector and underpin its importance to civic society.

More information on the National Philanthropy Policy Public Consultation is available on the Government’s website HERE.

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