Minister for Mental Health and Older People announces further increases in funding for mental health and older persons in Budget 2024

Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler T.D. has announced increased funding for older persons and mental health services in Budget 2024.

Minister Butler, said:

“This year I have secured over €2.6 billion to further enhance older persons services in Budget 2024. This includes over €45 million additional funding in nursing homes to maintain services and to manage inflationary increases via the Nursing Home Support Scheme. I am also pleased to announce the establishment of a dedicated new €10 million fund to support private and voluntary nursing homes with HIQA regulation and compliance measures. The details of this are currently being worked on.

“Community services play a vital role in helping to keep older people well, out of hospital and living in their own homes and communities for longer. Budget 2024 will see an additional €3.7 million in 2024 for Day Services and for Meals on Wheels across the country. 

“Providing enhanced services for people with dementia continues to be a priority for me, and I am pleased to announce that a minimum of 18% of all new home support hours are ringfenced for people with dementia. I have also secured a new allocation of €300,000 in funding for weekend activity clubs for people with young onset dementia, providing social activity and peer support, as well as vital resources for family carers.”

Speaking in relation to the development of other new initiatives to support older people nationally in the year ahead, Minister Butler, said:

“In the Programme for Government we committed to establish a commission on care for older people. I have secured €1.2 million to support this important initiative, which will get underway early next year.”

Other announced funding includes an increase in the provision of transitional care funding by €4.6 million in 2024 to make sure that older people get the care they need leaving hospital.

In addition, Budget 2024 sees another year of record funding for mental health 2024.

Minister Butler, said:

“Budget 2024 sees an increase in funding for mental health services bringing the budget to almost €1.3 billion: this is a record funding level and an increase for the fourth year in a row. 

“The funding secured today will allow for additional recruitment for CAMHS, which in turn will help to improve access to services, drive efficiencies, and reduce waiting lists. Importantly, posts will be targeted to areas where demand is greatest.  

“The extra staff for CAMHS will support the implementation of the recommendations of key reports and audits seen in this country over the last two years. There will also further development of youth focused specialist mental health services.”

Speaking in relation to the development of a new mental health app for young people, Minister Buter, said:

“We know young people approach services differently and can much more likely to engage with digital or online supports and information. This app will help direct young people to the services they need, when they need them.

“In my role as Minister I meet with many young people, their parents and guardians, and I hear about the challenges there can be in being referred into the correct service.

“Budget 2024 also provides funding for the development and provision of a new central referral mechanism for services for children – sometimes referred to as a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach – to be established on a pilot basis within the HSE. This referral mechanism will allow the HSE to appropriately triage referrals to specialist services, including CAMHS, to ensure that no child ends up on the wrong waiting list for the care that they need and deserve. This model is a key priority for me.”

Other announced initiatives include enhancements to suicide prevention services, through the expansion of the Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service; and of the Traveller Counselling Service, which will have national coverage for the first time. 

Minister Butler, concluded:

“I welcome the opportunities that this Budget has presented, and I look forward to working with officials in my department and in the HSE to progress the important policy and service priorities.”

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