Meet ups and Funding info

PPN Reps Meet Ups: Dates for 2023

This year at the IEN/Environmental Pillar are continuing to host online meet ups for PPN Environmental Representatives. These meet ups allow for reps from across the country to meet and share information and experiences. The content is directed by the reps themselves. Though they are aimed at Environmental Reps, they are open to all Reps from any of the colleges who have an interest in the topic being discussed.

The first of these meetings will revisit the conversation about herbicide use in county councils, and give an update on which councils have a herbicide use policy in place, and which are working on one currently. Progressing a Herbicide Use Policy through SPCs is something that many Reps have been working on across the country, and this first meet up of the year will continue to share information and progress between reps.

The topics for the other meet ups are not yet set. They could continue this conversation, or they could focus on other topics that reps would like to hear about.

These are the dates for this years meet ups:

  • February 13th @ 7pm:

Topic – herbicide use in council operations. Continuing discussions between PPN reps on action against unnecessary herbicide use. Update on progress in councils so far by Catherine O’Toole.

You can register for the Feb 13th meet up here:

There is also a Whatsapp group set up for people interested in the herbicide motion. If you are interested in being added to this please text, with your name included on 087 780 4505, or email your name and number to

  • April 3rd, 7pm
  • June 5th, 7pm
  • August 14th, 7pm
  • Oct 2nd, 7pm

We will also hold an in person gathering towards the end of the year. Topics are still to be set for this as the years work will shape this event. I will send on further information about this gathering later in the year.

To hear directly about these meet ups you can join the mailing list here:

Share this info: The above info is available at the following link if that is easier to share:

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