Locals encouraged to drop into community living rooms

To help provide a network of friendly drop-in locations for people across north Dublin, Fingal County Council has today launched a pilot initiative at three key centres that will give a welcoming and comfortable environment where people can feel at ease and at home.

Fingal have announced that Rivervalley Community Centre, Parslickstown House and the Corduff Community Resource Centre will open their doors as part of its “Welcome Room” pilot programme running over the next three months. While the three centres have been the meeting point for many community-based groups over several years, the living room initiative will further help serve the needs of the local community. Each location will provide free, friendly, safe and supportive spaces for the public over this winter.

The Welcome Room concept will give visitors the opportunity for social interaction and a relaxing space to unwind, with food and drink available as well as books to read, board games to play and film sessions. Fingal will develop further activities as the initiative progresses.

Read more about it here

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