Ireland’s humanitarian response to Ukraine crisis – How businesses can help?

An online platform for businesses to pledge offers of supplies and services to help Ireland’s humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis has been set up by the government.

An online form will capture business offers to supply or donate goods or services into a central register to help with the humanitarian effort.

Please note, this register is intended for business offers only. Although all offers of supplies and services are hugely welcome, please be aware that not all offers of assistance may be required or be suitable to be called upon.

The online form below can be completed and submitted by businesses who wish to offer goods or services that they believe may assist in Ireland’s humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis.

Normal arrangements continue to apply if your organisation is already supplying goods or services to the government and any such arrangements are not affected by this initiative.

Most requirements for new supplies will be advertised on the national procurement platform A guide to registering for eTenders and receiving alerts on tender opportunities is available.

Anything you donate or sell as part of this humanitarian initiative will not be taken into account in any future government procurement competitions.

Members of the public living in Ireland who wish to make a donation/ offer accommodation or other services to help Ukrainians can find out how to do so here:

Access Service HERE

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