Invitation to the Online Launch of ‘An Evidence Review of Community Service Policy, Practice and Structure’

Interested in learning how Community Service can assist your community or organisation?

The Probation Service is delighted to invite you to the launch of our research report: An Evidence Review of Community Service Policy, Practice and Structure which will take place via webinar on Tuesday 6th December 2022 from 11am – 12.15pm.

The Evidence Review was commissioned as part of the Probation Service’s commitment to reviewing the existing model of Community Service in Ireland and maximising its potential within the Irish criminal justice system. The review was completed by Dr Louise Kennefick, University of Glasgow and Dr Eoin Guilfoyle, Brunel University London and it examines existing academic literature alongside international best practice. The final report makes a series of interesting recommendations aimed at reforming and revitalising the current operating model that will be considered by the Probation Service in future phases of the Community Service review process.

The event will include a summary of key findings by the researchers, followed by brief reflections from key voices from within the sector including existing community service host sites, the Irish Penal Reform Trust and representatives from the Judiciary. 

If you have an interest in how Community Service could benefit your organisation or community, please join us on the 6th December for this short online event and be part of the conversation on the future of community service in Ireland.

To register for the event, please click here. A recording of the webinar, plus a copy of the Evidence Review will be shared with all registrees.

About Community Service: Community Service is a community-based sanction imposed by a Judge as an alternative to a prison sentence of 12 months or less for persons aged 16 years and over. Community Service is managed nationally by the Probation Service and every year, thousands of hours of unpaid work are provided to not-for-profit, community and voluntary organisations/groups across the country. The benefits of Community Service are many and varied but there are two principal goals:   1.  It provides an opportunity for those who have offended to give something back to their community for the harm that they have caused through crime 2.  It is a sanction that has the potential to lead to positive behaviour for the person by engaging in community participation. 

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