Invitation to register: Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making

Since the launch of A Resource Guide for Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making by Minister of State Joe O’Brien TD in February this year, workshops have taken place around the country to further support LCDCs in their role of promoting inclusive community engagement in the planning and evaluation of development programmes.  These workshops focus on the principles and practice of how to prepare for and implement inclusive community engagement processes, address barriers to participation, communicate and undertake feedback processes to build relationships with communities.

To make the workshop available to those who haven’t been able to make it in person, an Online Workshop in Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making will take place on 18th May 2023.  The workshop will take place in the evening from 7pm to 9pm to enable any participants who are unavailable during the day time to join.   

The workshop is open to Chief Officers and members of LCDCs, local authority staff concerned with engaging communities in development of the LECP or any other planning and decision-making process, and related stakeholders including from LDCs, ETBs and PPNs. 

Participants may register at the following link:  DAFEP – Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making

Please support this very important initiative.  If you have any queries, you can get in touch at or (087) 3861291.

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