Fingal PPN Strategic Plan Information Session – Thursday 8th July 6.00p.m

Dear PPN Member,

Fingal PPN is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

THURSDAY 8th JULY 6.00p.m


Fingal PPN Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021

In 2018, the Fingal PPN Secretariat presented a strategic plan for the period 2018 to 2021. The plan set out the next phase of development for the PPN in Fingal with over 300 member organisations of the PPN engaging in the process.

Fingal PPN first elected a Secretariat to lead and oversee the operations of the PPN in 2015. That Secretariat then developed and implemented a 2016 to 2018 work plan culminating in the development of the aforementioned strategic plan.

The PPN has an obligation to promote and facilitate meaningful citizen participation and engagement in local decision-making structures. The PPN’s commitment to this is reflected in their overall Strategic Goal, which is:

That Fingal PPN is an integral and respected local decision-making partner and network. It is engaged and pro-actively consulted in the development of all Fingal economic, social, community and infrastructural policies. Its members are well supported and aware of their ability to make a difference for their community.

By undertaking this review and extending the strategic plan, coupled with the implementation of the PPN handbook recommendations, the PPN believes it will provide a solid base for developing and resourcing a new Strategic Plan for 2023 and beyond.


The PPN Strategic Plan was due for review in early 2020. Due to resource constraints and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, this was postponed.

The PPN Secretariat has since decided to undertake the review as part of the 2021 work plan with the view to extending the plan to complete its implementation and in so doing, ensuring the strategic plan actions are still relevant and of appropriate scale.

Following the launch of the new PPN Handbook in November 2020, the Secretariat identified an opportunity to review the handbook and has published a report in relation to this. While that was an unconnected activity, the information identified in that process has contributed to the review of the strategic plan.

The approach to this review consists of:

• Updating the membership profile of the PPN.
• Reviewing each of the 17 actions and recommend changes if necessary.
• Consulting with members via survey to identify their opinions of and participation in the PPN, in the context of the four overarching goals

Topic: Fingal PPN Strategic Plan Information Session

Time: Jul 8, 2021 06:00 PM Dublin

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