Fingal County Council – Call for Expression of Interest for Appointment of Chairpersons to Local Community Safety Partnerships

Call for Expressions of Interest

Appointment of Chairpersons (2) to the new Local Community Safety Partnerships

1.   Fingal North (DMR North)

2.   Fingal West (DMR West)

Fingal County Council invites Expression of Interest for consideration to the appointment as Chairperson for the 2 new Community Safety Partnerships for County Fingal.  The Partnerships are being established in each Local Authority area in line with the Policing, Security and Community Safety Act 2024

Closing date  12pm on Monday 22nd July 2024

Further information: 

Community Safety Policy

The Government has approved a new whole of system approach to community safety, which will be introduced by the Department of Justice.  It has developed the new community safety policy based on a key principle identified in the 2018 report by the Commission on the Future of Policing, that policing is not the responsibility of the police alone and involves other agencies of Government such as health and social services. The Community Safety Policy proposes a whole-of-government approach to community safety.

The concept of community safety is about people being safe and feeling safe in their own community. At the heart of this policy is the principle that every community has the right to be and feel safe in order to thrive and flourish. The new community safety vision is to make community safety a whole of Government responsibility and priority, to be delivered through Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs) and supported through a national governance structure. This structure will ensure that communities are empowered to have a strong say in what actions are prioritised by the services operating in their area, and will also have a key oversight role in ensuring those actions are followed through.

Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) Pilots

In preparation for the national roll out of the Local Community Safety Partnerships in line with the Policing, Security and Community Safety Act 2024, three Local Community Safety Partnerships have been undergoing pilots over the past two years in Dublin’s North Inner City, Waterford City and County and Longford County. The locations of the pilots were chosen based on a number of factors, including population density, crime rates and deprivation. These locations allowed the proposed structure to be trialled in a high population density area, a medium population density area and a low population density area, with a regional distribution.  It is now the Government’s intention to establish such partnerships nationwide.

Fingal Local Community Safety Partnerships – Structure

County Fingal comprises of parts of both DMR West and DMR North divisions of An Garda Siochana.  2 Community Safety Partnerships will be established which will align with the Garda Sub – District Boundaries as follows:-

  • Fingal North Community Safety Partnership (DMR North)
    • (Swords, Balbriggan, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Donabate, Portrane, Oldtown, Garristown, The Naul, Malahide, Portmarnock, Baldoyle, Sutton, Howth, Baldoyle)
  • Fingal Dublin West Community Safety Partnership (DMR West)
    • (Castleknock, Mulhuddart, Blanchardstown, Clonsilla, Corduff, Ongar, Tyrellstown, St. Margarets)

Community Safety Objectives and Structures

Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs) will bring all the relevant state services and the community together at local authority level.  This will build on the work undertaken through Joint Policing Committees and supplement it by ensuring that all other relevant stakeholders necessary to constitute a more holistic forum for discussion and decisions on community priorities are present.

Local Community Safety Partnerships align with similar approaches in related policy areas such as the Sláintecare Healthy Communities initiative and the existing Local Community Development Committees.  Each partnership will have the ability to consider the local landscape as it relates to the services already being provided, and those that are needed.   The strategy’s statutory framework allows partnerships to bring together, oversee and drive the delivery of this whole of Government community safety approach.

Objectives of the Local Community Safety Partnerships

The partnership approach understands that every community is different and has different problems and issues; and that responding to those problems and issues requires a range of inputs from across Government, local services, voluntary sector and the community itself.

The response to the issues identified above requires the following elements: community engagement in identifying what the needs of the community are, as well as the commitment and buy-in from State, local and voluntary service providers to work together to address those needs.

Each community, its service providers and other stakeholders will be represented on the Local Community Safety Partnership.  Following public consultation, a Local Community Safety Plan will be developed by each LCSP which will reflect priorities identified by the community.

Ultimately, the partnership will work to improve multi-agency collaboration in its area.  Service providers will be accountable to the community in fulfilling the agreed actions identified in the Local Community Safety Plan and the community will be better informed about and empowered to participate in community safety activities in the area.

Local Community Safety Partnerships – Structure

Local Community Safety Partnerships Structure.png

It is intended that membership of the Local Community Safety Partnership will include: residents; community representatives, including representatives of youth, new communities and the voluntary sector; business and education representatives; relevant public services in the area, including HSE, Tusla, AGS, and the local authority; and local councillors.  Each LCSP will have a maximum of 30 members.

The Chairperson of each partnership will have the power to set up subgroups of the partnership, whether issue based or area based, ideally for a specified period of time in a targeted manner.

Partnership Staffing and support

The Partnerships will be supported by a dedicated Community Safety Coordinator, Grade VII – Administrative Officer and an Administrator at Grade IV Assistant Staff Officer level.  Both of these full time positions will be recruited by and sit within the local authority, and will prove a strong support to the leadership of the Chairs.

The local Community Safety Partnerships will have strong support from the national level:

  • There will be a national Community Safety Strategy. This will provide an overarching policy framework and programme of actions, underpinning a whole-of-government approach.
  • There will be a designated Cabinet Committee, to provide high-level political oversight and accountability to Government.
  • Below this, at senior official level, there will be a National Community Safety Steering Group. This will provide senior leadership and direction for the implementation of national strategy and for fostering interagency cooperation.
  • A National Office for Community Safety will be established. The Director of the National Office will have executive responsibility for delivering the objectives of the national strategy. The National Office will provide training, guidance and other support to the Local Community Safety Partnerships.

Conditions for Chairperson

Time Requirement

The LCSP will meet at least once per quarter but can meet as often as considered necessary to conduct its work effectively.  In addition, partnerships will be required to hold at least one closed meeting per year for all local representations (TDs and Councillors), and a second open public meeting.

Beyond that, individuals considering applying to be Chair should note that there will be additional time required to undertake engagement with stakeholders, the local community and to engage with other partnerships nationwide on best practice matters.

The Chair will work closely with the Local Authority.

Term of appointment

The term of appointment for the Chairperson is three years.


The role of Chairperson is a voluntary position. Travel and subsistence expenses are payable at the standard civil service rates for expenses incurred in travelling to meetings.

Person Specification

Expressions of interest are now being sought from suitably qualified persons with relevant expertise for consideration for appointment as Chairperson of the Local Community Safety Partnership.   These persons should be at an appropriately senior level.   

On submitting Expression of Interest applicants should indicate their preference for appointment to one of the following:

CPS 1     Fingal North Community Safety Partnership – (DMR North)

CPS 2     Fingal Dublin West Community Safety Partnership – (DMR West)

Although the LCSP is not a State Board, applicants should be aware of the contents of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies which provides a framework for the application of best practice. All members of the LCSP should act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interests of the Partnership, subject to the objectives set by Government.

In order to qualify for appointment, a person must not have any legal impediment or conflicts of interest likely to interfere with his/her ability to assume the role of Chairperson of the relevant LCSP. Please give careful consideration to the possibility of any potential conflict of interest that may exist and address this in your cover letter. The Assessment Panel may decide, based on the perceived level of conflict, not to forward your name for consideration to the local authority.


The Chairperson is responsible for the leadership of the LCSP and ensuring its effectiveness on all aspects of its role. They will also lead the work of the Local Community Safety Partnership and the Community Safety Coordinator and Administrator.

They should display high standards of integrity and probity and set expectations regarding culture, values, and behaviours for the LCSP and for the tone of discussions at LCSP level.

The learnings from the independent evaluation of the LCSP pilots informs us that the role of the Chairperson, particularly in terms of leadership competence and experience, is central to the Partnership.  It is a significant high-level volunteering role, within their own community/county, which will require dedication and time. 

In addition, the evaluation emphasises that it is imperative that the Chairperson is experienced and confident to facilitate a large partnership, strategically and relationally, bringing in involving stakeholders at all levels in a consistent, effective and impartial manner. The ability of a chair to act as an independent broker is an essential requirement.

The Chairperson will:

  • Provide leadership and strategic direction,
  • Focus the LCSP in making informed decisions and solutions tailored to the needs of the specific community which they are working in,
  • Develop and implement the Local Community Safety Plan in conjunction with both the community and public services, and
  • Act as an advocate for the LCSP and represent the LCSP to the public, media and other stakeholders as appropriate.

Candidates for the role of Chairperson in each local authority area must demonstrate in their application evidence of:

  • Proven ability in building consensus and effective communication,
  • Proven ability in influencing a wide range of stakeholders,
  • An ability to lead strategically in a high-profile environment,
  • Demonstrable understanding or the ability to grasp issues relating to community safety
  • The capacity to work in a sensitive area sometimes under the pressure of close public scrutiny.
  • Experience of large partnership processes and facilitation skills
  • Ability to act impartially

Application Process

Expressions of interest should be submitted by email to by 12pm on 22nd  July 2024.

An expression of interest should include:

  • A cover letter expressing interest and outlining suitability and relevant experience for the role;
  • A detailed CV.

Closing Date

The closing date for receipt of applications is 22nd July 2024.

Selection Process

An Assessment Panel (the ‘Panel’) will be convened to consider and assess the expressions of interest received which will review and consider the expressions of interest received against the specific appointment criteria for the role.

A short-list of candidates may be created and interviews undertaken, or any other selection or verification method deemed appropriate.

The Panel will then recommend named candidates to the Minister for Justice for appointment.

Where an appointment is to be made, the 2 successful applicants shall be required to undertake Garda clearance.


Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts 2014, applications will be treated in strict confidence. All enquires, applications and all aspects of the proceedings are treated as strictly confidential and are not disclosed to anyone, outside those directly involved in that aspect of the process. Certain items of information, not specific to any individual, are extracted from computer records for general statistical purposes.

Questions and inquiries

If you have any questions or require any clarification related to this call for expressions of interest, please email the Fingal County Council Director for Operations, Mary T. Daly

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