Expressions of interest sought from Community Groups, Agencies or Organisations who want to participate in Fingal Social Inclusion Week 2021

Fingal Inclusion Week 2021, which is an initiative led by Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office, Fingal Integration Officer and Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN), is taking place from Monday 15th November to Sunday 21st November 2021. 

Fingal’s Community Development Team, Fingal Integration Officer and Fingal Public Participation Network (Fingal PPN) are currently seeking expression of interest from organisations who would like to participate in Fingal Social Inclusion Week by hosting an event to help promote an understanding of inclusion in Fingal and to raise awareness of the barriers experienced by citizens which lead to social exclusion.

The week also aims to highlight the positive work that communities, agencies and other organisations are involved in to reduce social exclusion and poverty in Fingal.

 Fingal Social Inclusion Week aims to:

  • Highlight the positive work that communities, agencies and other organisations are involved in to reduce social exclusion and poverty in Fingal.
  • Raise awareness of the barriers experienced by citizens of Fingal that lead to social exclusion.
  • Promote an understanding of inclusion in Fingal and celebrate diversity across the county.

If your organisation would like to take part in Fingal Social Inclusion Week, please register your interest by filling in the form available at this link:

Please note that the following details will be sought:

  1. Name of Organisation
  2. Contact Person, First and & Last Name
  3. Contact Email 
  4. Contact Number 
  5. Organisations Address 
  6. What day of the week 15-21 November will your event take place?
  7. Where will the event be held, give Eircode if possible
  8. If your event is online – what platform will you use to host your event?
  9. What type of event are you organising?
  10. Who are you hoping to attract to your event?
  11. Do you have any suggestions for the Theme of Fingal Inclusion Week 2021?

Fingal Community Development Office, Fingal Integration Officer and Fingal Public Participation Network can chat to you about your event and / or any ideas you may have. Please remember that any physical event needs to be observant of COVID19 guidelines.

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