“Give it a Try” Taster Sessions 

The event provides an opportunity for members to try new activities and encourage re-engagement in club activities and events post-Covid. …

Introduction to Boules

Corduff Sports Centre Blackcourt Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland

Introduction to Boules Email manager@corduffsportscentre.com for further details or to book

Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living Open Day

Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living 2nd Floor Parkside House, Main Street, Mulhuddart, D15 T9EP, Mulhuddart, Ireland

Open Day in BCIL held by members to raise awareness of disabled people in the Dublin 15 Area.  Location: 2nd …

Mosaic Project

Prosper Fingal will be celebrating the ‘Mosaic Project’ which was a collaboration between Fingal Community College TY students, Prosper Fingal …

Swords Mens Shed Defibillator Workshop

Swords Men's Shed (access via Aldi) Seatown Road, Swords, K67 H2F2, Swords, Ireland

Defibillator Demonstration hosted by Swords Mens Shed. Contact keeleyray2@gmail.com for more information or to book into this event

Fingal Ethnic Network Information Session

Interview on Zoom with service users and members. Register for this event here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqf-6vqTooGtQFptYb2ohYGcbALCrOH9I1

Age Friendly Healthy Homes

Introduction to the Age Friendly Healthy Homes Programme The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme is an initiative, funded by Sláintecare, that aims to …

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