Evaluation of Cara Sport Inclusion Ireland

Sport Ireland are currently performing an evaluation of Cara Sport Inclusion Ireland and we are assisting by sending this survey link on to our stakeholders. 

S3 Solutions have been commissioned by Sport Ireland to carry out an evaluation of its investment into the Disability landscape between 2018 and 2020. This survey seeks feedback from organisations and stakeholders that have worked with, or interacted with Cara during the period 2018-2020. The survey will take around 12 minutes to complete.

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey found at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CARAEvaluation 

The information from the survey will be collected by S3 Solutions as part of their evaluation, however, it will also be highly beneficial information for Cara. Additionally, we hope to contact stakeholders again in the coming year to collect data of our own.

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