Environmental Rights Webinar Series 2022

  • Why is access to environmental information a critically important right?
  • What does public participation in environmental decision-making actually mean?
  • When is it necessary to bring legal cases to protect environmental rights – and who gets to go to Court?

Join Community Law and Mediation and guest speakers for a webinar series on environmental rights – specifically, on what is known as “the Aarhus Convention.” Legal experts, journalists, and activists will explain why environmental rights matter and how individuals and organisations can benefit from exercising these rights.

Oct 4, 2022 09:30 -10:30 AM – Access to Information on the Environment
Oct 11, 2022 09:30 – 10:30 AM – Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making
Oct 18, 2022 09:30 -10:30 AM – Access to Justice on Environmental Matters

Register for free here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tB0adChSSRCf-VpfdpIysw

Who is this webinar useful for?

This webinar series is free and open to all. However, we would strongly encourage those with no prior knowledge of environmental rights or the Aarhus Convention to join, as well as those working with organisations or grassroots groups on issues related to health, housing, social inclusion, poverty, anti-discrimination, or equality. Environmental rights are fundamentally connected to these issues, and may provide new perspectives in thinking about how such issues can be addressed.

We are grateful to the Community Foundation for Ireland for funding this training series.

Event Details:

Tuesday October 4th from 9.30-10.30am: Access to Information on the Environment

  • Eoin Brady, Fred Logue Solicitors : what AIE is, what type of information can be requested, case law examples
  • Niall Sargent, Noteworthy : how AIE is used in practice, how a person can make an AIE request, what to do if an AIE is refused

Tuesday October 11th from 9.30-10.30am: Public participation in Environmental Decision-Making

  • Dr. Alison Hough BL: an overview of what public participation means: eg what participation can look like, different ways of participating (eg public consultations, campaigning, lobbying) at the national level down to the local, and relevant case law for public participation in the Irish context
  • Sarah Clancy, Clare Public Participation Network : the Clare PPN as a site of networking and community organisation and education, the need for PPNs to be fully independent of local authorities, and the need for PPNs to be adequately resourced, and the need for local authorities to be trained to effectively and constructively engage with PPNs.

Tuesday October 18th from 9.30-10.30am: Access to Justice on Environmental Matters

  • Rose Wall, CLM: barriers in accessing justice in environmental matters in Ireland, particularly for those most vulnerable to environmental harm, and the need to protect access to justice in Ireland.
  • ClientEarth speaker – unconfirmed: experience in bringing a case, and perspective on using the law as a tool for social change – what it means for movements and communities.

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