EirGrid launches awareness campaign for East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade

Eirgrid are currently running an 8-week awareness campaign around the East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade, to keep communities informed of the latest updates on this project.

The East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade will strengthen the electricity network in the east of Meath and the north of Dublin, to improve the transfer of power across the existing transmission network. The project will add a high-capacity 400 kV underground electricity connection from Woodland substation near Batterstown in County Meath to Belcamp substation near Clonshaugh in north Dublin.  We need to upgrade the network to address the increased electricity demand in East Meath and north Dublin, and reduce the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation in Dublin.

Eirgrid are also hosting 2 webinar briefings about the project on Wednesday the 8th June, one at lunchtime 1-2pm and one in the evening 7-8pm.

To register for a webinar

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