Drinkaware Summer 2022 Research Briefing: Parents, COVID-19, and Alcohol – Thu, 23 June 2022, 12:00 – 13:00

About this event

DRINKAWARE are pleased to invite you to join us for our Summer 2022 Research Briefing. Dr. Maggie Matthews, Behaviour and Attitudes (B&A) will deliver the keynote presentation focusing on “Parents, COVID-19 and Alcohol: A qualitative study” and will then be followed by a Q&A session:

Talk title: Parents, COVID-19, and Alcohol: A qualitative study

Speaker: Dr. Maggie Matthews, Behaviour and Attitudes (B&A)

The 2020 and 2021 Drinkaware Barometers, and the research paper “Families, Alcohol & COVID-19 – A detailed analysis of the drinking practices of adults in households with children during the ongoing pandemic” (Drinkaware 2021), signposted the need for further research into families’ experience of COVID-19 and its impact on attitudes & behaviours towards alcohol. This presentation will explore the dynamics of the changes found in the above noted research in more detail, through a qualitative perspective.

The purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences regarding these changing consumption patterns from a parents’ viewpoint. Drinkaware commissioned B&A to conduct the research to explore alcohol use at home, beliefs around alcohol, parental practices, and approaches, when and where this might turn into harm and misuse and the impact COVID-19 had on these behaviour shifts. The project took a qualitative research approach to better understand these issues in depth as qualitative research is better placed to unpack complexities and nuance, and to invite confiding of difficult subjects. The study involved a range of parents, covering pre-schoolers, 5-12 years, and early teens (up to age 15 years).

In addition to the key findings from the study, the conclusions and arising recommendations will also be presented at the Briefing.

Attendance at this event is free. Register here by 22nd June @ 3pm.
All registered participants will be sent an email with instructions on how to attend the briefing via Zoom.

Date and time: Thu, 23 June 2022, 12:00 – 13:00.

Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland, governed by an independent board and regulated by the Charities Regulator. Registered Charity Number: 20204601

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