Drinkaware Spring 2022 Research Briefing

Self-control and alcohol consumption during late adolescence and the transition to young adulthood in Ireland by Dr Michael Daly
Date and time: Wed, 30 March 2022, 12:00 – 13:00
Location: Online event
Attendance at this event is freeRegister via Eventbrite by 5pm on 28th March 2022.

Drinkaware are pleased to invite you to their Spring 2022 Research Briefing. Dr Michael Daly, Maynooth University will deliver the keynote presentation focusing on self-control and adolescent alcohol consumption and will then be followed by a Q&A session:
Talk title: Self-control and alcohol consumption during late adolescence and the transition to young adulthood in Ireland
Speaker: Dr Michael Daly, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Maynooth University

Self-control captures the ability to control impulses in the service of long-term goals and is known to be associated with alcohol consumption. Drawing on recently collected data from the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) study, this presentation will outline that trait self-control plays a key role in forecasting risky alcohol consumption during the transition from late adolescence (age 17) to young adulthood (age 20). This relationship is presented within the context of the multitude of background factors that predict adolescent self-control and youth drinking. In addition, the context of alcohol consumption will be examined to understand if those with low self-control differ in where they drink, who they drink with, and why they drink. Potential avenues for intervention will also be discussed.

All registered participants will be sent an email with instructions on how to attend the briefing via Zoom.

Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland, governed by an independent board and regulated by the Charities Regulator. Registered Charity Number: 20204601

The views expressed in our Research Briefing Series are those of the speakers, based on their work in research and other disciplines.

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