Spring in Balbriggan is a virtual Kids Drawing Competition for primary school age boys and girls living or attending school in Balbriggan. The aim is to provide positive mental health for children during this difficult time and keep children engaged and entertained during the covid-19 period.
Also to tap in to the creative and the imaginative world of children and highlight the artistic skills of children in Primary schools in Balbriggan.
There are 3 Age Groups: 4 – 7 years old
8 – 10 years old
11 – 12 years old
Prizes include: Slime factory workshop voucher (Hen House)
8 weeks drawing class (From A to Art)
1 week Summer camp (Aster Family Resource Centre)
and much more!
To participate send an email to frcinfo@asterfamillysupport.ie for a registration form.
Fill in the registration form, take a photo of your child’s drawing and send both to:
Winners will be announced on the 30th of April 2020.
A big thank you to our Judges:
Aleksandra Ranecka (Hen House)
Violeta Savickiene (From A to Art)
Jean Clifford – EMPOWER
Sorya Yu (Balbriggan Mandarine Chinese language school)
07/04/2020 – 18/04/2020 – Open Competition time
19/04/2020 – 21/04/2020 – Submission of arts
22/04/2020 – 27/04/2020 – Judges deliberation and outcome
30/04/2020 — Winners and prizes announced/published
For enquires: https://www.facebook.com/asterFamilyresourcecentre/
Call: 0873854102
Email: frcinfo@asterfamilysupport.ie
or our event Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2588059318102849/