Draft Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030 – share your views!

Fingal County Council is preparing a new Heritage Plan for Fingal covering the period 2024 to 2030. Heritage in part of who we are. So have your say!

Deadline for submissions Wednesday, 04 October 2023

Fingal County Council is preparing a new Heritage Plan for Fingal covering the period 2024 to 2030. The Draft Fingal Heritage Plan looks at all types of heritage, how they interlink and connect and how we can best protect and access our heritage. The Plan sets out a vision and strategic objectives for our shared heritage. Sharing and celebrating our heritage in all its diversity promotes well-being and adds to a sense of belonging. Heritage in part of who we are. So have your say!

When you hear the word heritage what do you think of? Castles, churches, and old buildings? What about community identity and sense of place? In Fingal we are surrounded by heritage. The landscape, geology, distinctive coastline, islands and our natural heritage. Our agricultural and horticultural heritage- from ancient crops to iron gates. Traces of previous generations reflected in our archaeological sites and monuments, historic houses and demesnes, historic gardens, thatch cottages, streets and villages. Industrial heritage in our railways, historic bridges, and canals. Maritime heritage in our ports, harbours and shipwrecks.  Our use of traditional skills, language, folklore, and music.

Pre-Draft consultation took place between 5th April and 19th May 2023 and included in-person drop-in sessions, stakeholder workshops and an online survey, from which a total of 266 responses were received. The information gathered during the pre-draft consultation process contributed to the development of a Draft Heritage Plan for Fingal and assisted in prioritising areas for heritage action up to 2030.  

They want to hear the views of organisations and individuals with an interest in our heritage in relation to the Draft Fingal Heritage Plan.

You can view or download the Draft Fingal Heritage Plan and the Report on the Pre-Draft Consultation on https://www.fingal.ie/FingalHeritagePlan2024-2030 and a copy of the Draft Fingal Heritage Plan is also available for consultation at Council offices in Swords and Blanchardstown.  An online webinar will take place on the 27th September 2023 and full details will be available soon.

Submissions and Observations can be made in respect of the Draft Fingal Heritage Plan from Wednesday the 23rd August to Wednesday the 4th October 2023 (inclusive).

Submissions/Observations can be made as follows:

Online at https://consult.fingal.ie  OR

In writing to:

Heritage Officer, Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin, K67X8Y2.

Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. in hard copy or online. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 23:59hrs, Wednesday, 04 October 2023

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